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"Where is your home?"

“Home?” is a photo book that is curated and designed by Youchen Zhou. It features 10 college students who moved miles away from home into the school dormitories. This book includes portraits of them, sentimental items that they brought along, and their thoughts on the meaning of home. At the end of each interview, postcards of their portraits were filled with their hand-written notes and sent to a place/person that represented home to them.


A home is not just a place we live in, but also a space where we can be at our most comfortable selves. The definition of home can be drastically redefined through life experiences in each stage of life. Living far away from home for college forces me to treasure moments that I have taken for granted with my life-long friends.


I have never truly related a location or person that I feel homely towards. Through this project, the fascinating stories told by my friends and classmates provided me with a different perspective each time. Their hand-written messages were written on their own postcards and hopefully provided the receivers with a delightful surprise. A snail mail yields a simple yet warm touch of connection as compared to digitized messages that we have been so accustomed to.

View the book on Blurb.

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